Plugin shortcut

  • Defaults to Command+Shift+G on a MAC / Ctrl+Shift+G on other systems. If this combination is already occupied in you oXygen, either remove the key combination in oXygen's Options / Keyboard Shortcuts dialog or adjust the plugin's shortcut by opening the plugin's Settings dialog, selecting the Plugin tab and entering a new key combination. The default shortcut string is "meta shift G" on a MAC, "ctrl shift G" on other systems. You may use any of the following modifiers: "shift | control | ctrl | meta | alt | altGraph". For more information, see the Java 6 documentation.

Keyboard actions in the plugin panel

Both tabs

  • Enter - Insert the selected character into the XML document at caret position
  • Ctrl+1 / Command+1 - Show the Memorized Characters tab
  • Ctrl+2 / Command+2 - Show the All Characters tab
  • Ctrl+F / Command+F - Set the focus on the search field
  • Ctrl+O / Command+O - Turn code point based sorting on / off
  • Ctrl+T / Command+T - Switch between grid and table view
  • Ctrl+E / Command+E - Open the Settings dialog
  • Esc - return from the plugin panel to the previous component, e.g. the editor panel

All Characters tab

  • Ctrl+Enter / Command-Enter - Copy the selected character to the Memorized Characters collection

Memorized Characters tab

  • Ctrl+UP / Command+UP - Move the selected character up in the list
  • Ctrl+DOWN / Command+DOWN - Move the selected character down in the list
  • Ctrl+D / Command+D - Remove the selected character from the list
  • Ctrl+S / Command+S - Save the list to disk
  • Ctrl+L / Command+L - Reload the list from disk; any changes will be undone