Character Tables


The name of the table as displayed in the main panel

Path to Character Declarations

The path to the XML file or web service providing the TEI character declarations

Glyph Renderer

Specifies which renderer to use when displaying glyphs of this table

  • bitmap: Renders a bitmap image based on the value of the @url attribute of the character's graphic child element.
  • vector: Renders a glyph vector from a system font. The relative size of all glyphs is preserved.
  • scaled vector: Like vector, but each glyph is scaled to fit its list/table cell.

Font Name

The name of the font used to render glyphs in vector or scaled vector rendering mode. The specified font must be installed in your system. In order to view the two pre-defined character tables in vector or scaled vector mode, the following fonts can be used: Andron Scriptor Web v. 3 for the gBank characters and BravuraText 1.12 for SMuFL.

Glyph Size in %

The size of the rendered glyphs relative to their container (which is 40x40px)


Specifies in which way the glyph data should be inserted into the document. For details, see Adjusting the XML output

Value of mapping/@type

A TEI <char> element may contain multiple mappings; by providing the value of a type attribute, you can select the mapping element which should be used by GlyphPicker to display the glyphs.

Value of mapping/@subtype

See Value of mapping/@type

Parse mapping/text()

Set this checkbox when the mapping element in concern doesn't contain characters or numeric character references but strings following the scheme U+xxxx.


GlyphPicker keyboard shortcut

Customize the keyboard shortcut which opens the GlyphPicker panel

Image cache

Shows the current number of images in the plugin's image cache and provides an option to clear the cache.

Transfer focus after insert action

When selected, the component focus will be transferred from the glyph picker panel each time a character reference gets inserted into the XML document from the GlyphPicker plugin.